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What it means to be a Reaper

     The Reaper Crew MC is all about family and the ties of brotherhood. We ride together no matter what, when all goes to hell we ride our bikes through hell and back toghether. The strength of our family ties knows no bonds and are unmatched and what keeps us running together. The RCMC is designed to protect those who can't protect themselves, we help anyone in need. Games are filled with people who offer nothing more than bullets and trashtalk; they won't hesitate to shoot anyone. We won't hesitate to defend you or anyone else courteous enough to respect others by not firing unless firing upon. We stand together simply correcting what once went wrong in an attempt to make games a peaceful place for all to enjoy. It is every gamers right to enjoy the full potential of a game without being interrupted or harassed by other gamers.


     Brotherhood is above all else, and lies amongst the most important of our values. We value respect, loyalty, and honesty over skill. As a Motorcycle Club we are always riding our bikes around looking for those in need. The RCMC loves to ride and relax, we are never an extremely strict clan; but we do value our principles of loyalty and ensure that each member is as dedicated as the next. Our mottos are simple, "Live and die by the Reaper" and "We answer to no one". All members will always have each others back through it all and will never answer or submit to any clan, gang, group, etc. The Reaper Crew rides hard and rides without jurisdiciton. We are outlaws riding together bearing the Reaper as a Club. If you are a gamer who knows right from wrong and feels strongly about helping others while maintaining a family that has your back; then please fill out a form or contact us on Xbox Live.

© 2013 by Reaper Crew MC

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